Create the signing keys
-out "signingKey.crt" -days 365 -subj "/C=NL/ST=QC CA/L=Montreal/O=PacificSimplicity \
/OU=Dev/CN=Dev Signing Key"
Then sign the file with the following command
Pacific Simplicity is the home to my tech blog of sorts, aiming to assist and provide information easily to other Linux users and Open Source hackers out there. It contains articles on Linux, system admin hints, scripting, programming embedded systems, OpenWRT and of course Drupal . Check it out and don't forget to comment!
Create the signing keys
Then sign the file with the following command
Here is a simple BASH script to bring down/up an interface randomly. Note there is no error checking or states... it will work if it can work. e.g if the interface is up, and the script calls up - it will be up.
Here is part 2 of the previous explanation app.
Here is a simple libudev example that performs the following:
To compile:
gcc -Wall -g -o udev_example usbtest2.c -ludev
The code:
Here is a simple function pointer example I wrote for one of my friends just learning to program in C - it should be easy to follow:
typedef void (*ledFuncPtr) (int[], int);
void myFunctionTest(int pins[], int size)
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
printf("val: %d\n", pins[i]);